The most popular theories are that these purported chemtrails are used as biological weapons, for weather modification warfare, as weapons of psychological warfare, or as a means to limit human reproduction. The first 8 photos are of Chemtrails taken at Lonsdale, South Australia. In a 2017 interview on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, Dr. Herndon speculated that settled chemtrail spray dust covering California's foliage may act as an accelerant. *Lighting a path to truth* Former Navy JAG Worldwide U.S. Military Defense. go to their gallery for many more photos of chemtrails and Morgellons specimens. When most of them die in WWIII they will think it is the other ones faults. Each year, the flowering of the mesquite draws pollinating insects, which in turn provide food for insect-eating migratory birds. Negative traits are amplified and many law enforcement personnel who enjoy domination over others will worsen, and they are likely to become more brutal. Aside from the creating of droughts and floods, the aerosols have been blocking the sun. How could God (or just your sense of fair play) forgive us for allowing such blatant travesty as above, he cant , he wont. None, almost to the point of starvation. Its been proven that plants extract most of their mineral content from the air not from the soil as once was believed. In 1974, persons associated with National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) obtained patent US3813875 for using barium to create ion clouds in the upper atmosphere. weapons are there? Geometric crystal growths, snowflake designs, Morgellons fiber growth, mold looking fibril growth with sporulations. Soil testing expensive? One morning I woke up and couldnt remember the day, what time I was to go to work, etc. to almost visible with the naked eye or magnifying glass. Believe me, I understand the allure of Christmas. Children used to ask why is the sky blue? Soon, they will be asking why it is always white like cotton. Does that look like a normal contrail or cloud, if not youre probably breathing that!!! Are the trees dying of . course, blocking of the sun is not the only attack on plant life. Poisonous Chemtrail Rain is Killing our Trees. The alkalizing of water and any water based air breathing organism allows for increased storage and even the creation of dc current, especially when mixed with other components / chemicals. Its what happens when water freezes and condenses at high altitude. Scientists are becoming increasingly concerned about the fate of the huge boreal forest that spans from Scandinavia to northern Canada. Near bottom of the industrial nations. 4. It forms upon condensation of water vapour produced. My conclusion: detox works if you can get away from the toxic stuff but may be detrimental otherwise. January 21, 2013 // 0. . plants and toxins sprayed in the air and into rain clouds is landing on the plants and getting into their root This implies undeniable intelligence and or pre-programming or control of some kind!!! The din from the bees could be heard inside. Woot! The truth remains, every single time I look at new stuff it gets worse and worse. People like George Soros, IMF's Christine . By hiding in plain sight, we spray chemicals that can change breeding patterns, eating patterns, and even thought patterns. Spray and Zap. Do you really think thats an effective means of dispersing something? Reproduction of this work is encouraged, for non-profit, educational purposes only. I mean, it is such a warm, cuddly, romantic season. Fibers living on glass suggest this thing can suck silicone out of glass to self assemble, look closely at the attachment points of these fibers on glass. Chemtrails? The animals or the trees affected getting diseased and dying. If you wont do it for yourself, do it for your family, your children.Just been released is the 2nd video which has been put together by Micheal J Murphy. A well put together video and if you are unsure about this, be sure to watch that.Absolute prime websites to look at are:www.geoengineeringwatch.org just to name a couple, watch, learn, listen to what is going on, in the real world. Sprat Issue 39 -The Failing Infrastructure By James Donahue There is a growing concern about the screaming need to repair and rebuild the nation's aging and outdated roads, bridges, water and. Oddly enough when small they look like fly maggots but can get quite long. I have trees dying in my front yard and back yard. The bag was comprised of hundreds of fibers that looked a little different than the ribbon-like morgellons fibers though many of those were present. No visible biology as we know it whatsoever. Black-tailed gnatcatchers, loggerhead shrike, verdin, Bewick's wren and many other species use the trees for cover year round. including the plant life. In avideoof chemtrail criss-crossed skies in New England, you can see almost blanket coverage over what was once a ceruleanatmosphereabove us. Oh, there are so many trees just dying around us all the time.NOT! The apple trees are not the only trees with this chemical burn look. dioxide and make oxygen. Petri,1764 John Wesley,1758 John Gill,1754 Thomas Newton,1745 John Willison,1740 Johann Al. The IRS is not a U.S. Agency It is IMF property. Your email address will not be published. Though the atmosphere is being changed in highlyCLASSIFIEDacts conducted by our government and NATO countries as aDARPA-sponsoredprogram, the evidence of this insane spraying is everywhere. The article stated a 200 meter (approx. I felt I owed him an explanation as to why I was going to turn him down and move so I showed him the extent of my research. To sin by silence makes cowards of all men. He immediately recognized some of the aircraft in the photos as C-130 cargo planes. No wonder these fires produced massive heat, massive and destructive damage. I really had thought the story was a hoax quite frankly, but know now otherwise. I wouldnt have told anyone this if I couldnt prove it ad nauseum. Anyone who needs to prove any of this to themselves needs only a half decent microscope at least 40x-100x and spider webs (or their own bugers or blood). The tree started the year perfectly - and began to bloom. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga. These skin conditions have been observed / photographed on others as well. The chemicals have been dropping from the sky by evil men in unmarked planes for some time already. Pines typically do not recover from episodes of stress. During X-mas, store clerks would take money and forget immediately what it was for, or stumbled trying to count change continually. Various size of gas plasma orbs are associated with this technology. Developed By, Why Less Than 1% Of Obese Individuals Will Reach Normal Weight, Study Links GMOs to over 22 Different Diseases, Exposure to Toxic Perfluorinated Compounds in Womb Linked to Low Birth Weight & Future Obesity, 5 Important Vitamin Combinations for Optimum Health, EWG Report: Your Tap Water is Contaminated with Toxic Forever Chemicals, Is Non-Toxic Nail Polish Really Non-Toxic? The picture above is of the apple tree in our back yard. To this day you cant get them to tangle up. On a geological time scale the human race has decimated planet Earth in the blink of an eye. Chemtrails and Morgellons Its Worse than you Thought! Chemtrails suspect once again. This picture was They are trying to keep these covert operations secret . At 6:00 am on the way to work there were not one but three major accidents on the main road. Another recent revelation came from the article: Are microwaves killing our insects, birds ,frogs and us? All photographs are from the exact same GPS location. of Ariz. since 2005 and created an entire photo blog of one years observations at least 50 hrs a week that commenced in Dec 2005. Deception isnt hard to detect if you know what youre looking for. With that said, have you. I asked her to have him call me with more details but two weeks later she closed up shop and left too. Good. of Ariz. since 2005 and created an entire photo blog of one years observations at least 50 hrs a week that commenced in Dec 2005. This is not candy floss, this is seriously so wrong, EVERYONE needs to shake a tree, shake a cage and starting asking questions.As you will see in the video, i mention what people power can do, now ask yourself, \"ARE YOU GOING TO SIT BACK, WATCH THINGS BE DESTROYED, INCLUDING YOUR OWN HEALTH?? Such official prevarication only adds to public frustration and mistrust. No way man, to many ungulates are doing it. By Jim Robbins October 12, 2015. enhance and carry their signals. They are also photographing gas plasma generation due to the heating of chemtrails by electromagnetics. To fully understand this research first go to and review all his morgellons work, especially the videos, then go to and watch the two videos posted there, listen to the audio files on and review my photos. removal from the atmosphere and lessens the amount of oxygen created for us. I ask on the home page when you last took a good look at the sky and the substances in it. Over the past few months a new infection appears to be culturing in our noses. We must put a stop to this chemical poisoning. What do you think happens when you stick a .5 watt microwave cell phone next to your 70% water 30% cholesterol brain with about 2-4% of some type of exotic metal flowing through it, micro-sparks would be a good guess. We Need Your Help to Stop It and Protect our Rights! 4 Comments: At 1 August 2015 at 02:24 , Anonymous said. None. Why patent tech you wont use? After 30+ years of aerosol spraying, the results are finally showing up on the ground. Unfortunately, aluminum and barium are toxic to humans. No, their bark is turning white from the ground up as if they are pulling something up from the soil. Chemtrails are not real you dopes. Ive always had to watch the weather to protect the crews and equipment and complete the task at hand. Those of us who work outside will bear the brunt of this first, and those who work with or around transmitters will show advanced symptoms. 2023 - All Rights Reserved. That means they spray and then pump up the spray with electromagnetics. In the morning I let it dry in a closed area then placed a 1212 piece of thin glass on the tape to seal in my overnight collection of fallout from the sky. To my amazement the chlorella washed violently over the miracle grow then stopped. Whats been observed is as bizarre as the rest of this story. The chemical primarily attacks the central nervous system and can cause everything from disturbed sleep, nervousness, memory loss, headaches and emotional instability. Ive read reports that at full power these transmitters can cook all life within 1/4 mile. This thing assembled itself quite quickly in about two weeks from about the size of a pin head to its current size about 1 1/4 in long. Clearly we continue to be suffocated slowly by metal particulates. The opportunity to quit my job came up and an offer of a substantial increase in pay was refused. These examples are what Orwell coined as doublethink, the ability to hold two contrary notions in ones head and believe them both. Psychotronic weapons are considered weapons of mass destruction by the U.N. HAARPs can create earthquakes and can also x-ray the earth to find underground military bases, gold, or oil reserves. The bottom line is; why should we all be guinea pigs for chemical companies, and/or the US government for our food, our drinking water, and the air we breath? Why the voltage thing is so important: Ive observed in my jars that were electrolyzed that the growth of what Ive learned are called synthetic model organisms (or artificial life forms) is greatly enhanced and increased. Reports are coming in, far and wide, from Halifax, New Jersey toOrlando, Florida. You can see some more pictures Dead trees burn more readily than healthy trees and greatly contribute to the California wildfires. I bought two microscopes and started to photograph all this stuff and more. Children in particular, those who should have a strong memory, seem affected also. No one loved Christmas more than I did. Why are you being vague?? Adams County, Ohio, offers the site of the Great Serpent Mount, considered by archaeologists and historians to be the most dynamic and mysterious effigy mount in the United States. to recover and about 3 months later a Doctor named Patricia Doyle called the Rense program with the same exact story (type in amnesiacs). Archives for posts with tag: trees dying. These orbs can be used as transmitters and receivers because they have great, refractory and optical properties. So dead grasses, dandelions, plants, weakened trees, beetles move in. In Florida, once pines are stressed . Very odd. You may have also noticed that they seem to stay up there for hours. During all this I decided to try and detox from these metals and did the ionic foot detox bath which was quite the experience. Blood should contain not much more than red and white blood cells. Source . It looks like solar burning or freezing, but it is actually chemtrail damage. Suppress Coughs by Coating the Throat inChocolate? While the military bombs populated areas with microscopic pollution particles, the Environmental Protection Agency warns of health dangers from breathing such particles. After the dust settles there won't be much left to be concerned with. The skin photos clearly show a metallic sheen has built up in our skins, along with faint red splotches. The patterns are because you have so many different aircraft flying in the 30,000-40,000s flying on Jet and Q routes. They??? Not only do they stick to it but will grow quite rapidly, the red ones in particular. His reaction like most was quite mild but had never heard of Morgellons and knew not of what this would mean in his future. Everyone one of us and every living thing is living now in a state of sanctioned, deliberate, heavy metal intoxication / poisoning of differing degrees and stages, as inside air and outside air are different, as these positively charged metal particles are drawn to the ground first. The dead trees in the Idaho and Wyoming forests is just mind blowing to see..Millions of them. Well if you bother to open the door to mas basement and go outside you might notice that the trees-all of them are looking poor! Unique Boating Apparel and Accessories. This chemtrail type may also contain aluminum, although its "pasty" consistency may indicate that something else is present as well. The chemtrail sprays have various elements in them like carbon which can used to absorb microwaves. Chemtrails are creating holes in the ozone layer and enabling the Ultra Violet rays through pass through the atmosphere which are proving to be very harmful for the beings on earth . When youre looking at contrails from the ground, youre seeing the results of aircraft flying at 30,000+. This year though, halfway into the summer mowing season, I started noticing that there haven't been ANY in my small yard this year (2016). Not only are they risking their lives, there heart rates will be cranking hugely and with that, heavy breathing.. \"See the point i am trying to make here? They could turn them on full blast and by the time you realized driving through the field that something was wrong youd be dying shortly, like within minutes of brain cooking !! Originally my chemtrail photograph project started after observing a rather large cloud completely disassemble into a powder of sorts and blow visibly away on the breeze in minutes and observed by my co-worker as well. It popped I guess and created a bag of sorts. The exhaust of an aircraft contains both gas (vapor) and solid particles. This stuff has reduced our sunlight compared to two years ago, as I set a light meter then and it now measures a decrease in light of about half. Ive not just photographed the spraying but the morphing of this substance into clouds of a fibrous nature and other bizarre cloud formations not found in early/ANY cloud textbooks. You can be assured that the chemtrails you see in the sky are real and not your typical contrail. Thus far, congressional Reps answer angry inquiries with canned recitations that chemtrails are nothing but contrails that form when hot jet exhaust mixes with atmospheric air of low vapor pressure and temperature. The following is visual proof that Australia is, and has been for a long time, the victim of this deadly plot by the UN and New World Order to destroy our country. Bugs, diseases and molds take hold of the trees only AFTER the trees have already been While EPA wags its finger at industrial pollution, it consistently denies any knowledge of chemtrail pollution, despite the agencys furtive monitoring of chemtrail web sites where photographic reports of such pollution is constantly updated. Why do you think crop dusters fly just feet above their intended crops? Los Angeles County Bans Use of Roundup Weedkiller, 5 Foods to Boost Metabolism and Accelerate Fat Loss, Fat-Shaming Doesnt Work and Can Increase Health Risks, Its a Mindset: In Order to Get Fit, You Must THINK of Yourself as Fit, Mindful Eating Shown to Help People Lose Weight, Meet the Man Called Crazy by Doctors who Cured his Own Colon Cancer, Beyond Deterministic Genes: The Morphogenetic Field, New Study Links Vitamin D Deficiency with Breast Cancer Cell Growth, Calling the FDA, AMA and Big Pharma: What the Term Medical Mafia Means, Acetaminophen may Increase Stroke Risk in People with Diabetes, Exciting: New Seaweed-Based Alzheimers Drug Shows Extreme Promise, Study: Birth Control Pills can Lower Womens Quality of Life, Despite Biotech Spending Millions, Oregon GMO Labeling Measure Heads for Recount. Only 4,and they are among the only group of 12 kids who got all their vaccinations (read educate before you vaccinate). It appears prestodo, you have missed the whole point of the story. 1412 John Huss,c. You need lead, ceramics, and a deep underground facility to not be affected by these weapons. Segmented silicone nano tubes and nano feathers (see Cliff Carnicoms photos and work), always Morgellons fibers etc. I was, still am, quite concerned. Geoengineering And The Dying Of The Trees Labels: chemtrails, geoengineering, trees. The temperature falls by aprox. It is an offensive and defensive system against EM attacks and missiles. Have you ever wondered what thats all about? Trees are absolutely vital to human and animal life; they provide shelter, shade, clean air, and also keep soil from eroding. I spent the entire month of May studying this bizarre growth, the fibers and doing other tests. The chemtrail conspiracy relies on a poor understanding of science. I kid. Sure it does, and you dont have to be there to know that it does every-time. Its called the scientific method. Some people must accept the thing they can not change or stand at the edge screaming like a blithering idiots asleep or wide awake. The local governments know very well about the Chemtrails and what it is doing to the eco system and environment and how it is killing humans they won't do any testing because they already know the results my grass is suffering from the ill effects of their chemtrails I have little idea what they are doing to my body people want to remain ignorant of the truth at all costs and trying to make some ignorant people aware only brings you hate and ridicule because of people like this we all suffer because as long as people chose to remain wilfully ignorant of what goes on in life it puts us all in serious danger I don't know how people do it refuse to see the Truth in front of their faces my neighbors spend lots of money each year trying to keep our grass alive when it is a lost cause as long as this evil government keep poisoning the land by posioning the air and water but just try telling my neighbors about the Chemtrails causing the grass to die and they look at you like you are insane how do you ever wake braindead people up. I bet it would. What are they ultimately trying to do up there is create charged-particle, plasma beam weapons. Oh wait it already happened at Waco (watch rules of engagement, the true story of Waco!) He said indeed the spraying was quite toxic and he had been present at a confrontation by I believe the Navaho nation and the EPA The EPA contended everything was ok until the Navahos presented their evidence to the contrary which was quite compelling. Place inside and on the side of a clean closed jar with just a tiny bit of moisture in the jar and let sit for 48 hrs. Forests in the Pacific Northwest are literally imploding which were thriving only a decade ago. I slowly regained much of my memory but it felt like I had to fight for it back. They have poison ivy there which I always watch out for. Does a tree that falls in the forest make a noise. It (3d morg) started off looking like a Fred thing but had an odd looking black seed-like thing with odd small spikes sticking out. Ive been to houses which have ventilation hoods and where the people dont smoke, yet even in those houses sunlight can be seen streaking in through the blinds and is written off as just dust particles. None. might influence these things, since auto-fluorescence was achieved and is in my opinion evidence of the frequencies at which these fibers vibrate. I started to look at all my samples and found dozens of these fibers. What can be done you ask, anything? If you listened to the Rense audios, youll understand the psychological degradations associated with this infection, and the heavy metal intoxication / poisoning will make it much worse. Chemtrails are the medium GWEN pulse radars, the various HAARPs, and space-based lasers are the method, or more simply: Chemtrails are the medium directed energy is the method. increased number of tanker jets and they fly lower than usual every time we have rainclouds. posted by Anon @ 22:57 4 Comments. Whole ecosystems are collapsing all over the globe and our rapidly dying trees are the most visible harbinger of what is unfolding. Clouds now disassemble not evaporate with such frequency that I no longer photograph them, and have stopped almost altogether my chemtrail photography as it no longer matters. (6500 ft elev.) In the center of almost all these creatures there is a controlling fibrous substance / structure which appears to control and or direct growth. In the last year however Ive observed and photographed an extraordinary sheen around the sun, which indicates a saturation level has been achieved, and the spraying now is infrequent by comparison I.E. The body is providing the electrical current for these things to self-assemble, as the body is electrical first and chemical second. Since I can observe that we live now in an energized electrical bath provided by the miracle grow stuff (metal particulates) added with the ever increasing microwave towers, cell phone towers, radio towers, satellite transmissions, electric lines, wi-fi systems etc., couple that with the ever pervasive presence of plastic water pipes, plastic plants, plastic clouds, food wrapping, car interiors, plastic clothing, plastic x-mas trees etc., there would appear plenty of plastic components with which to work, if this is possible. Support Veteran Journalism . Box 378 Red Hook, New York 12571 United States.