Ridges and mountains are barriers to the horizontal movement of air. shape of the land (known as 'relief' or 'topography'). As air rises, it also cools. Wei, Y.; Wang, J.; Zhang, S.; Sono, D.; Xiu, C. Urban positionality in the regional urban network: Through the lens of alter-based centrality and national-local perspectives. The development of advanced shipbuilding techniques enabled the Greeks to travel. Based on the years 2000, 2010, and 2020, this paper studies the industrial function connection path and economic network characteristics of the Hexi Corridor through an urban flow model, dominant flow analysis, modified gravity model, and social network analysis method, and puts forward an economic synergistic development model. Our experts have done a research to get accurate and detailed answers for you. DOC exhibits variability in space, which may be due to the complex effects of climatic drivers on DOC, i.e. articles published under an open access Creative Common CC BY license, any part of the article may be reused without Similarly, Chen and Lu (2014) found that the mean slope and elevation have a negative correlation with water temperature, turbidity, conductivity, COD, TN, NO3-N, dissolved phosphorus and TP, and a positive correlation with dissolved oxygen (DO) [18]. Tian, M.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y. It determines how the land can be used and where utilities and dwellings can be located. Thus, from a pedologic perspective, topography is important because it exerts a strong influence on the disposition of energy and matter experienced by soils on the landscape. Ma, D.; Zhang, C.; Hui, Y.; Xu, B. Chang (2008) found that slopes act as a sink for suspended solid, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total phosphorous (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) parameters [16]. Thirdly, it may be attributed to exothermic reactions in the surface waters due to P-fertilizer, which enhances water temperature. Spatial pattern evolution of economic links in Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration. The polis would become the dominant political structure in Ancient Greece. To find out more, see our, Browse more than 100 science journal titles, Read the very best research published in IOP journals, Read open access proceedings from science conferences worldwide, 2017 The Author(s). Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. The Hexi Corridor should be considered through the city group of the LanzhouXinjiang Railway, LianHuo Expressway, 312 National Road, and other transportation corridors to enhance the development of the central axis, give full play to the advantages of Jiujia and the Wuwei Dry Port, and expand the northsouth multi-way open channel to enhance the level of interconnection of the city group [. SMLR outputs for CEWQ on various Koppen climatic classes (A and C) are listed in table S6. What are some similarities between current American society and ancient Greece with respect to art, architecture, and politics? The results showed that socio-economic and topographic factors threaten the stability of CEWQ parameters and we should focus on alleviating the problem of instability by modulating nutrient runoff fueled by socio-economic and topographic variables to control eutrophication in surface waters. Other city-states that were not on the 51509061), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. Wu, K.; Fang, C.-L.; Zhao, M.-X. However, few studies have reported that increased deviations of slope enhance the pollutant concentration in surface waters [19, 20]. We found that precipitation elasticity showed comparatively higher sensitivity to socio-economic and topographic factors at a global scale. 2023; 12(2):274. In india where badland topography is commonly found? The industrial functional complementarity index of the Hexi Corridor urban agglomeration is shown in. Some studies also show that topographic complexity as represented by the standard deviation of slope may be a better predictor than the average slope [19, 20]. ; Zhang, X.-B. Weather can change from hour-to-hour, day-to-day, month-to-month or even year-to-year. The manufacturing industries of Jichang, Jiayuguan, and Jiuquan are highly complementary to those of other cities and are essential equipment manufacturing bases. ; Liu, Y.-F.; Xu, S. Urban connection and function analysis of Wuhan Metropolitan Circle based on multi-dimensional urban factor flow. Today, geography still plays an important but much more nuanced role in the development of economies. Economic factors such as subsidies, commodity prices, labour and immigration laws, cost of land, transport, capital and markets, etc. 12 main water quality parameters are used in the current study, which are given in table S2. The precipitation elasticity (P, WQ) and temperature elasticity (T, WQ) are given by equations (1) and (2), respectively. the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, Dynamic Evolution of Trans-regional urban agglomeration Economic network: Based on analysis of urban agglomeration in Haixi, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta. How does topography affect economic development? Geography doesn't just determine whether humans can live in a certain area or not, it also determines people's lifestyles, as they adapt to the available food and climate patterns. Motions of the Earth 2. Griffith, D.A. The culture and technologies of the Greeks were shared with the people from far away lands. What role did mountains play in the development of Ancient Greek culture? Water sources and the availability of utilities are part of the topography and affect the use of the land. From 2000 to 2010, the industrial base was improved, and vital complementary industries increased and showed similar characteristics. Extractive industry; 3. manufacturing industry; 4. electricity, gas, and water production and supply industries; 5. construction, 6. Wind and air masses. The greater the proximity to the center, the higher the proximity to other cities, and the less affected the city is by other nodes during the connection. Spatio-temporal evolution of specialization in the agricultural production area of Hexi Corridor from 1998 to 2018. The Coastal Range allows for some condensation and light precipitation. Climatic factors such as light, water, and rainfall, temperature, air, relative humidity and wind also affect farming in various ways. This type of several techniques or approaches, or a comprehensive review paper with concise and precise updates on the latest The implementation of major national strategies, such as the ecological protection and high-quality development strategy of the Yellow River Basin, the ecological protection and restoration of the Qilian Mountains, the Western Grand Tourism Loop, and the construction of Silk Road tourism destinations, has significantly improved the ecological management level in the Hexi Corridor region, and cultural and tourism industry integration development. Res. Nie, X.-Y. Disclaimer/Publishers Note: The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely In temperate climate class (C), GDP played the same role in stability, while the runoff coefficient, slope, and population density fuelled the risk of instability. The topography of an area also helps determine the climate. P-F and DOC are abundant in tropical (A), arid (B) and temperate (C) climate waterbodies. Area development model construction. If an area is close to a body of water it tends to make milder climates. GDP positively favors P (P, P-UF), which might be linked with urbanization. Bevilacqua, C.; Sohrabi, P.; Hamdy, N. Spatializing Social Networking Analysis to Capture Local Innovation Flows towards Inclusive Transition. Some studies have confirmed that temperature is the most important controlling agent for other factors such as precipitation, catchment size on soil erosion and subsequently sediment flux [72, 74]. Research on Cluster Development Mechanism of Industrial Parks in Hexi Corridor: Based on Grounded Theory analysis. Yang, L.-J. Primary concentrations of human (5) The structure of JiuquanJiayuguanZhangye and JinchangWuwei subgroups is close. While they all share mountains as a basic geographic characteristic, they also have differences. On the other hand, it is connected with the neighboring Jinchang City in terms of material exchange at the level of production and consumption, connecting the belt industrial connection path as a network. This may be due to several reasons: Firstly, it can be a consequence of irrigation tailwater discharge which absorb heat [39, 40] and sweeps P-fertilizer from cropland which enhance water temperature. In order to be human-readable, please install an RSS reader. Topographical relief is a key factor that limits population distribution and economic development in mountainous areas. ; Kung, H.-T. Coupling coordination analysis and spatio-temporal heterogeneity between urbanization and eco-environment along the Silk Road Economic Belt in China. Preliminary results of the characteristics of CEWQ and comparison with other quality indexes (i.e. Lett. Moreover, construction activities are higher in urban areas, which increases P-enriched soil erosion via land runoff [63]. More specifically speaking, topography aids in changing precipitation and temperature. The impact of fertilizer application and socio-economic features on surface water quality vary by watershed. Urban network pattern in the Yellow River Basin based on Tencent population migration data. These energy inputs heat up the land surface, which may increase water temperature due to heat transfer via land runoff from the catchment (especially paved areas) to surface waters [39, 40]. The analysis indicates that tourism industry keep tight correlation with the economic growth of the global economy while there are so many factors which affect the tourism industry positively and negatively which in the long run or short run affect the global economy of the world negatively and positively. Does facebook notify when you edit a comment? The Greeks, through cultural diffusion, learned a great deal from the people they met through the travel of the seas. The runoff coefficient has a positive coefficient for T (T, NO3-F). Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery, 2. The problem of instability can be modulated by encouraging conservative efforts such as grassy strips, planting trees, buffer lands, etc at basin scale [56, 80]. Fertilizer and manure data were extracted from the global fertilizer and manure application version 1 (0.50.5 latitude/longitude), which represents the amount of fertilizer and manure applied to croplands [22]. Previous studies, which used statistical approaches or process-based approaches, have discussed the river water quality relationship with, or response to, air temperature and precipitations. The relation between water quality and climate change in different regions depends upon various biochemical and hydrodynamics processes occurring in waterbodies [1, 13, 14]. Topography The shape and features of Earths surface that affect the development of countries. The intensification of human socio-economic activities, along with fertilizer and manure application for crop production, has strong consequences for surface water quality. Large global datasets were used for 12 main water quality parameters from 43 water quality monitoring stations located at large major rivers. How did the ancient Greeks develop an advanced civilization? Rising air temperature accompanied by rainfall intensity can affect the mobilization of DOC [67]. Geography plays a significant role in economic development. Some nonlinear relations are reported in table 1 with their corresponding R2 and P-values which include: P (P, NOx-F) with mean slope (R2=0.624, P=0.001), P (P, PO43-F) with P-manure with (R2=0.624, P=0.001), T (T, NO2-F) with N-manure (R2=0.563, P=0.001), T (T, P-F) with P-fertilizer (R2=0.695, P=0.010) and T (T, P-F) with P-manure (R2=0.920, P=0.000).