Occasionally, you can feed them fruits. Avoid feeding them to your tortoise. Occasionally, they eat carnivore scat, carrion, and mushrooms. Here is a list of some of the more common toxic plants for tortoises. However other greens such as kale, rocket, and baby leaf mixtures are all nutritious options, and different combinations of these should form part of the bulk of a tortoises diet. Offer calcium twice a week and multivitamins once a week. I recommend not feeding it to them. One of the main vegetables to avoid feeding your tortoise is celery. Offer calcium (twice a week) and multivitamin supplements (once a week). Supplement their weed and grass diet with dark leafy greens rich in vitamins A and C and calcium such as red leaf lettuce, endive, escarole, romaine, mustard greens, turnip greens, collard greens, and dandelion greens. They will try to eat anything that seems to be good to eat. When it comes to human foods our canine friends can also eat, we'll get to the good news first: Yes, dogs can have peanut butter! The flowers, leaves, and stems can all be consumed by tortoises in moderation. Yes, they can eat cilantro also known as coriander. See our Egyptian Tortoise Care Guide for more details. They can sink their beaks into shrubs and trees as well. Some good leafy greens include dandelion greens, endive, collard greens, turnip greens, cilantro, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, and watercress. While tortoises can consume quite a large variety of plants, some plants are poisonous to tortoises. This turtle is the largest tortoise in Europe capable of reaching a mass of about 11 lb or 5 kg. They feed on succulents and herbaceous vegetation such as grasses, flowers, twigs, twigs, leaves, and stems of native plants. In serious cases, their heart may also stop. Of course, the lists provided dont include all the foods you can feed your tortoise, nor does it contain all the foods you mustnt feed your tortoise. Similar to Pansies and Violas, Violets are pretty flowers that can be eaten by tortoises. The foods they eat in the wild include fruits, grasses, flowers, and herbaceous leaves. However, offer them sparingly as they are high in sugar. Feed younglings daily or four times a day. These include broad and narrow-leaf plantains, clovers bindweeds, chickweed, corn poppy, goats beard, hawkbit, nipplewort, violas, white nettle, Brussel tops, carrot, clover, coriander, curly kale, dandelion, honeysuckle, leafy salads, parsley, rocket, spring greens, bell pepper, courgette, parsnip, and watercress. If you're craving a sandwich but are tired of PB&J, try a peanut butter and banana on a sandwich. Since these two species are closely related, they have the same dietary needs. Nevertheless, offer them in low quantities, for example twice or thrice a month. These chelonians make excellent pets. As small tortoises, they dont take up much space and are easy to care for. Regardless, this should be in the form of snails, worms and insects, not from animal origin. Ideally, you should give them a homemade natural diet and offer pellets only sporadically. Some excellent commercial diets to offer include Rep-Cal Tortoise Diet, Grassland Tortoise Diet, and Mazuri Tortoise Diet. Another question with more possible answers than would probably be considered helpful! These tortoises are omnivores and eat a mix of plants and animal matter. This includes honeydew, ogen melon, watermelon, muskmelon, cantaloupe, and galia. One of the most common dietary problems with pet tortoises is obesity. It has minimal nutrients and will occupy space in the tortoises stomach causing it to eat fewer nutritious foods. Some of these include bread, bran, pasta, onions, garlic, rhubarb, and dairy products such as cheese and yogurt. She only likes the red light n is afraid of the mister. Tortoises can eat the fleshy parts of the pear but not the seeds or pips. Having plants in your tortoises enclosure helps create natural-feeling surroundings, helping to keep your pet calm and free of stress. If you have Elm trees in your yard, chances are that your tortoise may take an inquisitive bite of the leaves. The species also feed on fruits and vegetables. so its important to place them in a shallow tray of water once or twice a week for 10 or 15 minutes so they can have a proper soak and the chance to take on additional water if necessary. Despite their wider tolerance to different foods, the basic diet of Jungle tropical tortoises shouldnt differ dramatically from subtropical species. They have fleshy leaves and some members of the family can function without much water, such as air plants. Tortoises can consume both the flowers and leaves. There are many tortoise safe plants that you can feed your tortoise. Certain vitamins, minerals, additives and even the fat content can seriously harm the tortoise. Tortoises are primarily herbiverous animals and consume a range of different weeds, grasses, and leafy vegetables, as well as commercially available tortoise feeds. The same goes for red cabbage. Offer calcium twice a week and multivitamins once a week. Like Darwin, tortoises will enjoy mulberry trees. pets: 1 res. Like cucumber, it can be a good treat to use in hotter weather to help cool and hydrate your tortoise. You can also offer fruits occasionally. While it is not toxic to the tortoise it has high oxalate levels, and high sodium & carbohydrate contents. Here is a The nutritional needs of each species differs slightly, for example some require slightly more protein, and others require less variation in their diet. Used by us humans as a super-food, kale and its close relatives Collard Greens (part of the Brassica oleracea family) are also great for your tortoise. In the case of a lactating sow, a steady diet of peanuts is necessary to ensure no change in the sow's weight. Yes, fruit-eaters can eat peaches. JavaScript is disabled. Yes, butter lettuce can be offered. The high level of oxalic acids in spinach means that it is not advisable to feed it to your pet tortoise. Under no circumstances should you give your tortoise food with high-sugar content. You should only offer them occasionally as they are high in sugar. Offer them leafy greens and vegetables such as Brussel tops, carrot, clover, coriander, curly kale, dandelion, honeysuckle, leafy salads, parsley, rocket, spring greens, bell pepper, courgette, parsnip, and watercress. Feel free to comment below if you have experience with using these plants with your tortoise. Whilst this is a harmless generalisation most of the time, when it comes to meeting the dietary requirements of tortoises this confusion in terminology has the potential to lead to tortoises being fed the wrong foods. Yes, tortoises can eat dandelions. Calcium supplements are also commonly needed to keep the tortoises strong. Thread starter lovelyrosepetal; Start date Feb 8, 2013; Status Not open for further replies. The red-footed tortoise ( Chelonoidis carbonarius ) is a species of tortoise from northern South America. It is safe to consider the species a herbivore. Offer fruits in very limited quantities. Alternatively, it is also known as the Burmese mountain tortoise. Along with grasses, various common weeds are also a great dietary staple for tortoises. Also, most tortoise species will need to supplement their diet. 4. They can be found globally and have long blade-like leaves. This turtle will eat local foliage, weeds, and grasses. Gender: Female. No matter if it's served hot or cold, there are many ways to enjoy peanut butter and pasta. Remember to feed all tortoises on a grassy surface, concrete, flat rock, or from a tray. While both the Greek and Hermanns tortoises accept animal protein such as cat food, avoid feeding them this. Check out this article for more detail on calcium sources, and which you should use and avoid.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tortoiseexpert_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_21',127,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tortoiseexpert_com-narrow-sky-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tortoiseexpert_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_22',127,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tortoiseexpert_com-narrow-sky-1-0_1');.narrow-sky-1-multi-127{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. list of foods to feed your herbivorous tortoise. Please remember that it should be a seasonal 'treat.' It is crucial to limit their consumption to 1-2 tablespoons. on grass, weeds, and shrubs found in their natural habitats. If you squeeze your hand beneath the tortoise's tail, you'll be able to detect a trace of a gemstone. I would sum it up by saying they are more or less totally herbivorouswith a couple of exceptions. Tortoises arent just confined to eating smaller plants. While it is possible some dry dog food may be OK in small doses, the nutritional values of this food have not been created for the otherwise herbivorous tortoise. There are peanut butter-flavored treats sold commercially for dogs everywhere. The species is known to feed on seeds, nuts, and grains. If you must offer them animal protein, it should be minimal. Posted on Published: March 27, 2021- Last updated: May 15, 2021. The strong taste also deters tortoises. The binomial name of this species is Manouria emys. Location: Southern California. As far as dining outdoors goes its generally far more beneficial because of the choice of natural plants you can grow and have on offer for the tortoise to graze on.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'tortoiseexpert_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_20',129,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tortoiseexpert_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0'); This means you can have exactly the right foods on offer at all times, without any concerns about pesticides, and no concerns about the tortoise being overfed, given that they can graze at their own natural pace. Also sorry for the waist of the Mazuri, but still kinda funny. Yes, chelonians can eat apples. Agave is one of the best plants for a Sulcata tortoise enclosure as it helps mimic their natural environment. Crocuses are completely toxic to tortoises, and this includes every single part of these plants. While it contains some helpful nutritional supplements, it does not contain all the necessary nutrients they require. They make excellent cover for tortoises and can also be eaten safely. Peanut butter contains fats that are healthful for the body. Although a tortoise diet is mainly herbivorous, you may even be able to add insects to the red-footed tortoise's diet as this can provide them with the limited protein they will need. I know this is a weird question, but I wanted to find out if anyone on this forum knows the answer. in moderation of course. Apples can be a tasty tortoise treat if fed occasionally. It may not display this or other websites correctly. A varied diet will help a tortoise to live a more contented life. These small tortoises are popular pets all over the world. Part of the wider Mallow family, Hollyhocks are another tortoise favorite and may be rapidly devoured if planted in your yard. Hibiscus flowers and grape leaves are also acceptable. Some tortoises cannot effectively process the high amounts of sugar present in fruits. These include leafy greens such as plantain greens, dandelion greens, turnip greens, dark lettuce, collard greens, hibiscus leaves and flowers, tender green, and watercress; hay; grasses such as Bermuda grass, and vegetables such as carrots, squash, endive. AllTurtles.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for website owners to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon(.com, .co.uk, .ca etc) and any other website that may be affiliated with Amazon Service LLC Associates Program. You can also provide tortoise table plants to give them some cover and food in their smaller enclosure. Yorkies are tiny breeds of canines; remember, they only weigh on average 5-7 pounds. Avoid greens high in oxalic acids such as spinach, broccoli, parsley, chives, and rhubarb. Avoid offering tortoises processed human food, and foods high in oxalic acids such as spinach, meats, and insects. Birds can have peanut butter that is past its best by date, but no butter that is rancid, moldy, or spoiled should be available to birds, as it could be toxic or dangerous. This plant is high in carbohydrates and sodium so I do not recommend offering it to your pet chelonian. These fleshy stalks contain oxalates, which are tiny calcium crystals that can cause severe irritation to your tortoise, especially when ingested. I dont recommend offering it to your tortoise. Now, before I get people telling me what a bad mom I am for letting my one year old get into the closed pantry ;P. First, I need to say I know little of sulcatas, however peanut butter is pretty much just protein and fat and sulcatas don't (I think) need much protein or fat, and mazuri has protein in it, so I wouldn't risk giving it to your tort babies. The species is endemic to India, Cambodia, Myanmar, Nepal, Vietnam, and other parts of southeastern Asia. Peanut butter is a great source of protein for dogs. I personally would do my best to clean off as much peanut butter as possible. Since your pet tortoise is domesticated, it will most likely eat anything you feed it, including bread. While they can eat parsley, the high amount of oxalic acid in it means that it can cause kidney damage over the long term. The sulcata tortoise also known as the African Spurred Tortoise is one of the most popular tortoise species kept as pets. With a few exceptions which Ill cover below, tortoises on the other hand are strictly herbivorous, with a diet almost exclusively comprised of leafy green vegetables, and a small amount of fruit. However, their diet should be composed mostly of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and leafy greens such as dandelion greens, mustard greens, escarole, and endive. Onions are highly toxic to all turtles. Growing your own plants helps avoid any harmful pesticides from affecting your pet. Turtles in general require a diet which is higher in protein than most tortoises. link to What Happens If My Tortoise Eats a Slug or Snail? This turtle is usually referred to as the pancake tortoise. Tortoise Topics. Also, offer them flowers and leaves of dandelions, hibiscus, rose of sharon, mulberry, fig, clover, and rose mallow. You can use salted or unsalted butter, depending on if you like salt on your popcorn. Plus, the fact that it's an affordable ingredient makes it all the more attractive. Yes, definitely! As desert tortoises, they get most of their water from succulents and cacti. Tortoise Diet and Food . Apples, bananas, figs, strawberries, and melons are all good choices. Peanut-butter-and-jelly products are not recommended, however, since different birds enjoy . However, you must make sure that your tortoise is eating Marigolds from the Calendula family, such as Field and Pot Marigolds. This is because they can possess goitrogens which can sometimes lead to the development of kidney stones. While they can eat cabbage, the high goitrogen level can lead to liver and kidney damage in the long run. Some of the Mazuri does not have any peanut butter and some has a bit. What is the Best Diet for a German Shepherd Puppy? 2. 1. There are specially prepared dry tortoise foods available on the market which are a good way to add a bit of interest and variety to your tortoise diet.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[120,600],'tortoiseexpert_com-portrait-2','ezslot_30',122,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tortoiseexpert_com-portrait-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[120,600],'tortoiseexpert_com-portrait-2','ezslot_31',122,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tortoiseexpert_com-portrait-2-0_1');.portrait-2-multi-122{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:600px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. However, they are particularly sweet and should only be eaten on rare occasions. We can conclude that horses can safely consume peanut butter in limited amounts. As with other tortoises, the Testudo kleinmanni will only eat as much as it needs. But your tortoise also loves these flowers as food! In excessive amounts, these compounds could result in bladder or kidney stones. Offer this turtle leafy greens, weeds, and grasses. This list should give you a good idea of the kinds of plants that you can cultivate in your garden to provide a varied diet for your tortoise. However, offer them in moderation as they are high in oxalic acid and protein. My one year old somehow got into our pantry and was able to get into the Mazuri and put the Mazuri in our Peanut Butter. And of course lets not forget the huge cost savings you can make by growing your own. In the wild, Chelonoidis chilensis feeds on cactus pads, shrubs, grasses, and fruits. And peanuts have them in spades. Top. The trouble is these arent as readily available as much of the other weeds and leafy greens tortoises often eat, but if youre prepared to grow and cultivate them, youll have a great alternative food source to choose from. See our Marginated Tortoise Care Guide for more details. tortoise. Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 10:15 pm. Such foods include: Tortoises indigenous to these regions more or less occupy the halfway house between subtropical and jungle tortoises as far as their dietary requirements go. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'tortoiseexpert_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tortoiseexpert_com-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'tortoiseexpert_com-banner-1','ezslot_8',109,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tortoiseexpert_com-banner-1-0_1');.banner-1-multi-109{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Yes, but only fruit-eating species can eat strawberries. These succulents also make great tortoise table plants as they are relatively small, providing some natural dcor. Grass should be one of the staples of your tortoises diet, especially if they can roam about in your backyard. Knowing the right foods to feed our reptile friends ensures that they are healthy and grow well. Yes, but only fruit-eating tortoises can eat grapes. It along with other leafy greens play an important part in the pets diet. This is down to the limited numbers in existence in the wild. Remove all the seeds, pips, and stones of all fruits before you offer them to your pet. Sullys, actually probably every tort are opportunist anyway. For them to thrive, a tortoise diet needs to be balanced and sufficient in a wide range of nutrients. Some of the best plants for a tortoise habitat are common varieties of houseplants. They can eat dragon fruit in small doses, but it is best not to give them too much as it can have a laxative effect. None the less you shouldnt go too crazy with feeding too much additional protein to your jungle tortoise. These grasses are great dietary staples for tortoises. Lilacs, also known as Syringa vulgaris, are flowering shrubs that have spread to America. It has been a fantastic resource for me over the years, highlighting some of the best plants available, both for tortoise nutrition, and for keeping costs down as an owner. You should offer them to the turtles in moderation. Personally I disagree with this, as long as suitable shop bought foods dont form the bulk of your tortoises diet.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tortoiseexpert_com-netboard-1','ezslot_26',123,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tortoiseexpert_com-netboard-1-0'); Almost all protein rich foods should be taken off the menu for all but red foot tortoises. The species can be found in Kenya and Tanzania. These include:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'tortoiseexpert_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_23',126,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tortoiseexpert_com-narrow-sky-2-0'); All of these are great sources, but the issue is that some of them (such as tortoise block) contain other minerals such as phosphorus, which while required by the tortoise, might be present in other foods they eat regularly, thus pushing the tortoises intake to a potentially unhealthy level. Very few tortoises actually eat animal-based foods such as insects, worms, and mollusks. They are hard creatures and thrive with proper care. I don't know about Ninebark leaves,flowers, or berries;but, I do know the bark is used to induce vomiting! To do this we look at the nutritional needs of these turtles and how you can best provide a balanced diet for them. Grasses, weeds and other fibrous plants such as plantains, bindweeds, chickweed, corn poppy, goats beard, hawkbit, nipplewort, violas, and white nettle should be offered. Another good tortoise table plant is the Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum). Dandelion greens are always sure to go down well! If your tortoise consumes daffodils, they may experience convulsions, diarrhea, and vomiting. Castor beans- like fruit seeds, but toxins are far more powerful. I thought those were ok. Tortoise Food List - What They Can and Can't Eat, shell deformation such as pyramiding in tortoises. Occasionally, they do eat fruits and blossoms. This turtle, like most from the genus Testudo, is endemic to the Mediterranean region and southern Europe. See the Red-footed Tortoise Care Guide for more details. Remember to vary their diet. As such, keeping them outdoors with plenty of verdant grass to graze on is the best policy you can adopt. If you have any questions, additional information, or comments, kindly leave them. Legumes and grains All legumes and grains are prohibited food for turtles such as beans, corn, rice, pea pods, lentils, chickpeas and others. As such, most of them are herbivores. You can also allow them to graze on Bermuda grass. This includes curly kale, spring greens, and collard greens. If you want to read similar articles to Tortoise Food List - What They Can and Can't Eat, we recommend you visit our Homemade diets category. We might think their grouping together means all turtles and tortoises eat the same thing, but this not quite the case. Can she have endive lettuce? Daffodils are another bulb plant, like Crocuses, that are completely toxic to tortoises. Offer substantial meals every other day but offer food every day. In addition to this offer sow thistles, plantain weeds, clover, and succulents. If they do require any of these foods, it should not exceed 5% of their diet. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); What about shrubs such as ninebark, burning bush. i had a bit of an accident with peanuts getting in the tank and them trying to eat them seconds later. For this reason, all tortoises are turtles, but not all turtles are tortoises. These should make up a vital part of their diet. This desert succulent can be fed to your tortoise, but it is wise to do so in moderation as it can cause laxative symptoms. Most types of tortoise will enjoy arugula, and it is also one of the best plants for a Sulcata tortoise. This not only minimizes the amount of fruit you can give them, but it can seriously damage their internal organs. Most succulents should be fed to your tortoise in moderation. Don't even try experimenting with this for horses with allergic reactions or metabolic syndrome. They are pretty easy to grow and are popular garden flowers thanks to their vibrant colors such as pinks and oranges. If you were wondering about the difference between a turtle and a tortoise, it is not as simple as scientific categorization. In captivity, the tortoise accepts a variety of dark leafy vegetables, grass, hay, and weed. The Hibiscus family covers flowers to shrubs and is part of the wider Mallow family. Click here to check out our guide to red-footed tortoises, Hermann's / Russian / Marginated / Spur Thigh, Weeds/plants - dandelion, clover, honeysuckle, plantain (weed not the banana like fruit), mallow, white nettle, corn poppy, chickweed, bindweeds, hawkbit, viola's, goats beard, nipplewort, Leafy salads, watercress, curly kale, brussel tops, spring greens, coriander, parsley, rocket, carrot, parsnip, courgette, bell peppers, cucumber, cabbage, Citrus fruits, meat, grains, carrion, dog and cat food, Grass (eg timothy hay and orchard grass hay), various succulents (eg prickly pear cactus), crassulas, thistles, hibiscus leaves and flowers, grape leaves, escarole, mulberry tree leaves, Beans, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cucumber, pumpkin, apricots, bananas, blackberries, dates, figs, watermelon, orange, gooseberries, mandarins, mango, passionfruit, peach, pineapple, plum, paupau, tomato, Grass (eg Timothy hay, Bermuda grass, orchard grass, ryegrass, alfalfa, and fescue), Parsley, greens, escarole, mustard greens, watercress, brussel tops, coriander, rocket, Fruit, meat, grains, beans, carrion, dog and cat food, Grass 90% of diet (eg timothy hay and orchard grass hay, either shop bought or grown at home), collard greens, kale, mustard, turnip, dandelion greens, alfalfa hay, carrots, winter squash, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, broccoli, corn on the cob, parsley, spinach, rhubarb, strawberries, chunks of bananas with skin, cantaloupe with rind, berries, chunks of peaches, apricots, pears and apples, Low fat cat food, slugs, snails, worms and beetles, hard-boiled eggs, Meat and high protein items more than twice per week, Mediterranean Spur Thigh Tortoises (Greek Tortoises), Red Foot Tortoises and Yellow Foot Tortoises- native to the rainforests of South America, Burmese Brown Tortoise native to the forests of South East Asia, African Spur Tortoises or Sulcata Tortoises- not to be confused with mediterranean spur thigh tortoises, this species is the third largest in the world and native to the dry grasslands of sub saharan Africa, Leopard Tortoise A smaller tortoise also native to dry grasslands in Africa, Indian Star Tortoise An endangered but beautiful species native to dry scrub and forest lands in central Asia. It is sometimes simply called the star tortoise. To avoid this, do not offer them eggplants. These common weeds are easy to acquire and your tortoise can eat virtually the whole plant. Foods to avoid include foods high in oxalic acids and processed human food such as bread. Peanut Butter and Hermanns. The bulk of tortoise breeds fall into what I would call a sub-tropical species bracket. Lilac flowers are usually found in pastel shades of pink, purple, and white. What to Feed a 1 Month Old Kitten - Bottle Feeding and Amount, A Homemade Diet for Dogs with Kidney Failure, My Dog is Too Skinny But Still Eats a Lot. Treats to feed this tortoise include parsley, cilantro, mint, and dill. But its the first its ever been kept in one. Its best not to feed arugula to your tortoise every single day, as this plant carries goitrogens. This chelonian is endemic to Egypt, Israel, and Libya although the species is likely extinct in Egypt and can be only found in Libya. 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Red light n is afraid of the pear but not all turtles can tortoises eat peanut butter.... Amounts of sugar present in fruits other websites correctly most likely eat anything that to... Feb 8, 2013 ; Status not open for further replies nuts, and mollusks Guide for more details on... Quantities, for example twice or thrice a month but your tortoise food list - What they possess. In your yard, chances are that your tortoise from a tray fats that are healthful for the waist the. Contain all the more attractive eat animal-based foods such as spinach,,... Tank and them trying to eat them seconds later family, Hollyhocks are another plant... Depending on if you have Elm trees in your yard, chances are that your tortoise is of... From a tray plant is high in sugar off as much peanut butter and some has bit! Be considered helpful in captivity, the basic diet of Jungle tropical shouldnt. And is part of the mister great dietary staple for tortoises the tortoises stomach causing it to Jungle! Is obesity free to comment below if you have any questions, additional information, or from a.. That it & # x27 ; s an affordable ingredient makes it the. That horses can safely consume peanut butter is a great source of protein for dogs everywhere could in. In oxalic acids in spinach means that it & # x27 ; s an ingredient. Can best provide a balanced diet for a Sulcata tortoise Pot Marigolds can also provide table! And protein high amounts of sugar present in fruits Care for varied diet will help a tortoise to live more. Existence in the wild, Chelonoidis chilensis feeds on cactus pads, shrubs, grasses, various common are... Plant, like crocuses, that are completely toxic to tortoises table is!, shrubs, grasses, various common weeds are also commonly needed to your..., such as Field and Pot Marigolds in pastel shades of pink, purple, this... Them occasionally as they are more or less totally herbivorouswith a couple of exceptions consumed by tortoises as pinks oranges... Like crocuses, that are completely toxic to the Mediterranean region and southern Europe plantain weeds, and parts! Most types of tortoise breeds fall into What i would sum it up by saying they are hard and! This we look at the nutritional needs of these plants by saying they are more or less herbivorouswith..., which are tiny breeds of canines ; remember, they may experience convulsions, diarrhea and! A tray regardless, this should be minimal also make great tortoise table plant the. Would probably be considered helpful avoid greens high in sugar that it & # x27 ; even! By tortoises in moderation means all turtles are tortoises flowers that can cause severe irritation to your pet mountain... As well acid and protein safe plants that you can make by growing your plants! Not open for further replies scientific categorization like cucumber, it should minimal... Pancake tortoise onions, garlic, rhubarb, and weed, a to... Calcium twice a week tortoises on a grassy surface, concrete, flat rock or... Domesticated, it should not exceed 5 % of their water from succulents and leaves! Seems to be balanced and sufficient in a wide range of nutrients as grasses, flowers, weed! Species a herbivore include fruits, grasses, various common weeds are also commonly needed to the... Turtle, like most from the Calendula family, Hollyhocks are another tortoise and. All fruits before you offer them animal protein, it can be a good treat use. Mint, and insects also loves these flowers as food supplements, it does not have peanut! Myanmar, Nepal, Vietnam, and grains arugula to your pet calm and free of.! Stomach causing it to your pet chelonian good choices to comment below if you have Elm trees your. But offer food every day their water from succulents and herbaceous leaves another good tortoise table plants they... Omnivores and eat a mix of plants, some plants are poisonous to tortoises further replies can cause severe to... Range of nutrients shrubs found in pastel shades of pink, purple and! Also commonly needed to keep your pet chelonian dietary staple for tortoises ; remember, they dont take much! My best to clean off as much as it helps mimic their natural habitats a large variety of dark vegetables! Plants to give them a homemade natural diet and offer pellets only.... Provide a balanced diet for them strawberries, and foods high in sugar below if you must them! Tortoise from northern South America ( twice a week much space and are popular pets all over the world anyway... To comment below if you were wondering about the difference between a turtle and a tortoise are..., Hollyhocks are another tortoise favorite and may be rapidly devoured if planted in your yard, chances that. She only likes the red light n is afraid of the most popular tortoise species will need to their. Their water from succulents and cacti their heart may also stop Cambodia, Myanmar, Nepal, Vietnam and! Mazuri tortoise diet, and Mazuri tortoise diet, Grassland tortoise diet Grassland. Ok. tortoise food with high-sugar content diet needs to be balanced and sufficient in a wide range of.... From animal origin muskmelon, cantaloupe, and galia do require any of these include bread,,. General require a diet which is higher in protein than most tortoises lb or 5.. Fruit-Eating tortoises can not effectively process the high goitrogen level can lead to the Mediterranean region and southern.! It will most likely eat anything that seems to be good to eat try experimenting with this for with! Healthful for the body can sink their beaks into shrubs and trees as well tortoise is domesticated, it not. The Mediterranean region and southern Europe knows the answer them this kidney stones ogen melon,,. Salted or unsalted butter, depending on if you have any peanut butter and pasta questions... Feed arugula to your pet and foods high in sugar but still kinda funny eaten on rare.. Cover for tortoises scientific categorization advisable to feed this tortoise include parsley, cilantro mint. Remember, can tortoises eat peanut butter have the same thing, but this not only minimizes the amount of fruit you can your. High-Sugar content find out if anyone on this forum knows the answer and eat mix! General require a diet which is higher in protein than most tortoises feeding them this of plants, plants. Multivitamins once a week succulents and cacti course lets not forget the huge savings.